The memory I would chose to keep would be when my grandfather taught me how to ride a bike. I called my grandfather, Pop Pop. One Sunday afternoon I was sitting in the living room on the couch with Pop Pop and my dad watching a TV show. Pop Pop asked me if I knew how to ride a bike. I told him that I did not. In his big booming voice he told me that today was the day that I would learn how. Pop Pop went out to his garage and got out a small pink bike that even had pink training wheels. I was so surprised! It was like he had planned this just for me. He had gotten this bike just for me, so when I did want to learn how to ride a bike he could help me. I put on my knee pads, elbow pads, and my helmet. Pop Pop took me to the top of a small hill in the grass. I got on the bike and he told me that when I got to the bottom of the hill to push the petals backwards, and I would stop. Well, let’s just say that didn’t exactly work. I got to the bottom and when I went to push down on the petals, I got off balance and I fell off of my bike. I scraped my leg but was ready to get back on. After the repetition of going up and down that hill, and learning from my mistakes I got the hang of riding my bike. Once I figured out how to go and stop, I didn’t want to stop riding my bike. He was very encouraging and was cheering me on. Eventually I got tired of pedaling and I got off of the bike and went inside and took a nap. Pop Pop died when I was eight. I don’t really remember what Pop Pop looks like, and this is really the only thing I do remember about him. Trial and error is how I learned how to ride my bike. Trial and error is a life lesson in how you learn to do a lot of things. You have to keep trying. When you try something new and mess up, you take what you learned from that and try again. You can apply this to your everyday life. I am glad I can think back to this memory of my Pop Pop and remember what he taught me.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Why we studied Anne Frank???
I think that Mrs. Chapman always has a very good reason for having us either learn about something, or read a play then watch the movie if there is one to go with it. I think she made the 7th grade learn about Anne Frank and The Holocaust, because she just wanted us to think about how hard it was for all the people who did not do anything wrong and still got killed by Hitler. I think Hitler did not like the Jews because he thought that the Jews were the people who caused all the problems in the world. It was all him causing the problems. Hitler killed about five million Jews during the Holocaust. Hitler killed many Jews by putting them in camps called “Concentration Camps”, where they eventually died from starvation. The diseases were spread because the people were living in very close corners. They also died from all the stress that they were going through while in the camps. Hitler also killed the Jews by saying that they were getting a shower, but once the Jews got into the chambers things changed. Water was not turned on the people inside, it was a deadly gas, and they died. At the beginning Hitler took all the families to the camps, and when they got to the camps the soldiers told the parents that the children were going to eat. But little did the parents know that the children were not going to get something to eat; they were separating the children from the parents. The children were then taken to a totally different location to another concentration camp. The parents then would be checked over by a doctor that was on sight, to separate the healthy ones from the sick or mentally retarded. The movie of Anne Frank, and Shendlers List really helped in my mind to make the picture clear on how hard and tragic the Holocaust really was.
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4:42 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What five jobs should be left??? By Marlee Hill
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11:12 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What animal I should be and What animal Mrs.Chapman should be & why???
Marlee Hill
I think I am like a brown bear because it is a very gentle animal, unless you make the bear mad. I am level tempered and I don’t get mad over something stupid. Bears don’t get mad over many things. The bears will get mad if you either invade their territory or try to hurt their cubs. I don’t like people in my “bubble”. I also don’t like it when people bother me or my friends. Brown Bears usually have brown hair and I have brown hair and their fur is long and thick. My hair is also long and thick. They are also very tall and muscular. I am fairly tall and muscular. The brown bears are moderately fast runners, they can reach up to 35 mph. I am a pretty fast runner too. The bears like too eat meat as in red deer, and bison. Even though I don’t eat those exact meats I still eat meat like steak and chicken. They also eat fish, such as salmon and tuna, from streams nearby where they live. I also eat salmon and tuna.
I think That Mrs. Chapman is like a lioness (a female lion) because they can be very caring and protective or they can be aggressive. The lioness can also have can have either a red or brown mane or tail. Mrs. Chapman has red hair. They are also very big in size. Mrs. Chapman is very tall. The lioness population is vulnerable. Like Mrs. Chapman finding a person or teacher that is as nice and as genuinely sincere about what they tell you; and I am talking about you Mrs. Chapman is hard to find. The lioness has very good precision and teamwork like Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. Chapman also takes pride in what she does, which is teaching middle school English. The lioness takes pride in what she does, which is hunting and finding food for her family. Mrs. Chapman also takes care of her cubs. Her children at school are her cubs. They both can get very mad quickly so don’t say, or do something that might upset either of them.
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2:22 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
When you have confidence within yourself you can do anything. You can make good grades, have good and loyal friends, and you can have a positive attitude toward yourself and the people around you. But sometimes you may not be confident. When you do not have confidence within yourself you may end up doing bad things like making bad grades or even starting trouble in school. You may start doing drugs or start sneaking out of the house at night. You may even even start hanging around with the wrong group of people. You need to have confidence within yourself. It is not good for you to do the wrong things. If you have low confidence and need to achieve higher confidence you might want to tell a friend or a family member how you feel or something like that. You should try to have an up beat attitude about yourself and your life. You might want to even look back at some old pictures from past times when you were happy. Try to get back to that state of mind. That may mean you should try to hang out with your old friends. If you are doing drugs or bad things or starting trouble at school then you should stop doing that because you are hurting yourself. All it may take is the change in your mind set or life style. You should really try and tell someone about this so they can help you through this. If you do not want to tell a friend or a family member then go to your school and tell your guidance counselor and talk to him. Do not be afraid to tell someone if you have low confidence. It may even help to vent to someone or to tell them your problems about what is going on in your life. I am confident that this blog will help many people gain higher confidence.
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2:22 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Hope you like my new blog. Leave me comments
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8:38 AM
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